You can only have 10 shortcuts on the Google homepage. Others have been tested to be faster and less a resource hog. It’s a little large on the download size compared to its peers.

Does it have a couple drawbacks? Relatively, sure.

It’s easy to use and navigate, gets top marks for security, it syncs your preferences across devices, there are so many useful extensions, and the built-in Password Manager and generator is the best thing since sliced bread. Today, competitors emulate that no-frills approach as Chrome has solidified itself as the internet’s most popular browser. Google took the same formula and applied it to its Chrome browser when it launched in 2008. This iconoclastic approach revolutionized how we search the web.
Even today on the Google homepage you’re treated simply to a logo, the search bar, and some favorites. Minimalism made the Google search engine a blow-out success at the turn of the millennium.